Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blood and Oil: Analysis

Oil is the most important mineral in World History. The more oil you have the more powerful of a nation you become. The United States consumes more oil than any other country in the world. The U.S is 5% of the world population but consumes nearly 25% of the use of oil around the world. The U.S uses 20 million barrels a day while the whole world uses 80 million, exactly 25%. So in other words the U.S is more dependent in oil than any other country or nation. But it gets crazier and more drastic than that... About 98% of of transportation (trains,planes,cars) energy comes from oil, for what it seems without oil we become useless. Petroleum oil affects everything, even agriculture... Agriculture? How? Without Oil, bigger agriculturist whom use heavier machinery could not produce the amount of goods that the people need, even factories that make and produce dairy, vegetable,meat, fruits are worthless without the amount of oil energy it is needed to create these mass productions of food. But how did we become so reliable on oil? In the early 1900's we did not rely on foreign oil, we produced our own oil for the vast majority of this century, but for the last 10 years we have relied more and more on foreign oil. The more oil one consumes the more oil one will need, and by 2025 the US will depend on foreign countries for about 70% of its oil, an outstanding and alarming number. In other words we Americans are Oil junkies that cant get enough, we need it at all times more than anyone else in the world. Even when it comes to war oil has played an important part. Without oil we could not have won WW II, we won because if yes strategy, leadership but also because we could produce and manufacture more planes, tanks, submarines than any other country in the world, we could build them faster and better. Even so the American produced 6 out of 7 barrels used by the allied forces during WWII. Unfortunately the US used up 1/3 of its oil reserve during WWII which now has come back to bite us in the ass.

But the questions is when did we start getting this oil hook up from the Middle East? It all started during the 1940's where one of the greatest presidents ever FDR! Became aware of the oil problem that the US was going to hit because of its mass consumption so FDR made a deal with the King of Saudi Arabia (at the time) the deal was simple.. Saudi Arabia will let us Americans find and evolve this oil while the Saudi Arabia had full protection from the US, not a bad deal. But what did this protection consist of??? Easy, the US would pretty much give the Saudis military power by giving them hefty weaponry big tanks, big planes, big guns, in exchange for some of the dark liquid goodness. In other words the US created the Saudi military (jaw opens drastically).

Now one can understand why it is that the US goes to war in the Persian golf war, the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq etc etc.. Not because we are buddies of the Saudis but because the resource of oil is too important we will sacrifice anything and everything to protect and control and obtain all the oil we can muster. We sacrifice troops after troops after troops just to continue our dominance over the "Oil World". How easy we have forgotten about the 1980's all the way through the early 1900's where president Bush (the older one) clearly would say and i quote " We must protect the Oil, we can not allow these evil nations from taking our oil that we have worked hard for", well not exactly the quote used but you get the idea. It is so funny how the oil talk was so casual presidents would talk about it all the time and how they would defend it to the end, but now oil talks are forbidden its all a denial now. No president since first Bush had admitted that we love Saudi Arabia because of its oil. Now every questions the press asks the president about the oil they get easily shut down by the prezzident, now the excuse is nuclear weapons. We must stop all these terrorist because of their nuclear weaponry that is the words from the white house in recent years, but the truth is we dont care about no nuclear weapons we care about the oil. Why dont we care about all these dangerous weapons? Because the US is the biggest exported of weapons around the world so most of those dangerous weapons will read very very very tiny on the lower corner " Made in America". One of the reasons the US won the cold war was because we would give and sell all these weapons to the Saudi rebels to protect Saudi Arabia from the Soviets they used the weapons to fight back and one of it main rebels whom was working for the CIA at the time was Saudi Arabia biggest star Osama Bin Laden. So nuclear weapons or any other weapons are not really our concern the oil is. The US will always have bigger guns than any one else in the world, but we dont have the biggest Oil reserve in the world the Middle East does, which is why we are so interested.

Osama Bin Laden was fueled because of the oil hunger the US has which in turn he became one of our greatest enemy. From ally to enemy, from being on the pay roll to being on the run. The terrorist will stop at nothing to stop US from achieving and getting oil we need it for energy we need it form about everything. The US has one big problem.. It needs oil more than anyone else and the rebels and terrorist will stop at nothing to negate that. That is where the big beef comes from not any nuclear weapons but control of oil. So the truth is what is the US without oil???? Just a big chunk of land.


  1. Not only is oil necessary to run the machines and factories of agribusiness, it is also in commercial grade fertilizers and insecticides. Just what I want to eat, food that has been bathed in petroleum its whole life! I attached a link to the Gulf's Dead Zone..

  2. I am not yet seeing the oil link with Osama Bin Laden -- was he "fueled" by money from his family that came from oil? Is that what you are thinking?
