Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My little rant English class

Im so grateful for my english class where i have learned more than any of my other classes. I love the people in it i enjoy the professor, and by far it has been my favorite class. I enjoy how every student gets a chance to speak out their mind and their opinion about the middle east and what we are learning. Its refreshing that you get to interact with students at this level, i havent had a class where you really get to meet your fellow classmates, where you get to listen to their most intimate opinion about hard subjects. You get to know everyone on a different level. Big lectures, they dont have the ummm humanizing aspect to it, you dont get to appreciate the students opinions, its just slide after slide after slide you dont really get to learn anything just write down whatever the teacher say bottle it up and be ready for the test. It reminds me a little of community college in grand rapids where professors really get to know you on a first name base. And you do get to interact a little with the students 2. Its a smaller class, a little more intimate. Which is what i love about community college, people hate on it a lot i never did i learn a lot in that year i was in community college. This class reflects a lot of my community college years the education is refreshing and exciting, i think the class is wonderful. And this is the honest truth i woke up today excited about todays lecture. I also like the students taking over the class aspect, its cool when a fellow student presents a book or a movie it feels like the fellow students have fun and enjoy doing the research and presenting good arguments and topics.

The environment is just awesome. And yes i had like 3 redbulls this morning and i feel energized lol.. So i wanted to rant about the class a little. But i believe the most important thing is how our professor Dr. Webb cares about the students his leniency when it comes to writing papers, or things due on time is so fuckin awesome. You get the sense that the Professor knows how much pressure their are on students to do good so he doesnt care about grades as much as how much you learn every session, its not a sign of weakness by the professor (the leniency) but a sign of him being human, i think most professors forget that they were once student and that they had hard time with school work, im happy Dr. Webb didnt forget that he was once a student and realized that its not all about grades but what you learn and what you take from it. Most professors are kind of tyrants, dictators in a way that dont care about the students they dont get to know the student, but its how the system has always been and its worked so far. I have always been a grateful person and i am grateful for this class, and i think more classes should be like this one, where the professor knows the student and worries about the student, its just more of a relaxed environment.... Plus i love movie days cause it gives me a chance to talk what i enjoy and love and its my hobby and that is watching films!!! So i get to show off a little of my knowledge about movies cause its one of the only things i can really brag about lol... But the students are great, the professor is cool and its just the best learning environment i have been around.. And i hope i get to take another class like this one day..

1 comment:

  1. We love hearing how much you love this class and how much you feel at home. we love reading your insightful blogs.But we would love to hear feedback on what you actually thought about the guest speakers themselves.
